Terms and Conditions
Thank you for choosing InSignLanguage Ltd for both your video and face to face British Sign Language accessibility needs.
As you would expect, we need to set out some clear guidelines to help you get the best use out of our service. It is all explained in this document and we are available to help.
By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you understand the working and legal nature of the relationship between InSignLanguage Limited (“InSignLanguage”) and yourself.
This Agreement is effective from the date you register with InSignLanguage Limited, which is a company registered in England and Wales. Our Company Number is 10943637 and our registered office is at 3 Kingfisher Court, 187A Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6AZ. This agreement outlines the details of our video relay service and our on-site bookings processes to ensure the best accessible experience for you.
For clarity, we’ll refer to InSignLanguage as “Us”, “We” and “Our” elsewhere in this Agreement and will use “You” and “Your” to refer to You.
‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ where the context requires, refers to You and Us together.
Important definitions:
“Agreement” means this agreement and all schedules.
“Internet Enabled Device” means your own, or provided by You, A iOS device that allows the access the Video Relay Service and Software.
“Interpreter” means the BSL qualified Interpreter provided via the App and for face to face bookings carried out on-site.
“Service” means the provision of an Interpreter by Us to You via Video Relay Service or on site to facilitate communication.
“Service Booking” means the date agreed by You, and Us, to carry out the Service at the agreed Time Slot.
“Service Fee” means our charge for the Service, which is calculated in accordance with these terms and which You agree to pay.
“Software” means the InSignLanguage App.
“Start Time” means the exact allocated start time for the Time Slot.
“Parties” means You and Us.
“Video Relay Service” means the connection via Wi-Fi or Data on the Internet Enabled Device, to the Software where the Interpreter will be available during the Time Slot for the Booking.
The service facilitates communication between you and a hearing person whom you wish to speak with, through a qualified British Sign Language interpreter, for a paid fee. The service is delivered over the InSignLanguage app, which is instantly accessible and is therefore chargeable on the time during which the app is connected to the interpreter. The service is only available to registered users who have completed registration and accepted these terms and conditions. We endeavour to deliver a high level of service that satisfies your requirements. We are responsible for providing you with qualified interpreters that can be contacted and seen, via Video Relay Service (VRS) as featured on our app.
All users must be logged into the InSignLanguage server via the app. This requires that InSignLanguage store your personal details. All information pertaining to the log-in and registration is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation.
Our service is based and operated totally from the U.K. with translations from spoken English into BSL and vice versa. Service is offered live with our vetted, valued and qualified interpreters, who will be suitably visible on screen for signing, body language and expressions. The user experience is designed to give a good and clear understanding to the deaf and hearing parties in the conversation.
Messaging and sign video services are conducted via the app to enable communication to be translated from BSL into English.
InSignLanguage Services are available 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and weekend cover is available from 8am to 8pm.
We aim to ensure that the service is always available to You during our opening hours, however, given that access to the Service is via the internet, we cannot guarantee absolute Service availability as this is fully reliant upon working internet connections.
Our booking and video system operate on the internet and is accessible on PCs and laptops as well as via Apps on both iOS and Android devices. Access to the Video Relay Service requires Wi-Fi or, if Wi-Fi is not available, a strong data connection is required in order for the service to be used.
Use of the service through the app is charged per minute used. This is a pay per use service that requires a debit or credit card to be registered. This service is provided by Stripe. There is also a subscription service available which works in the same way as a mobile phone contract does.
You pay in advance for a set number of minutes per session or, per week, or per month as agreed by debit or credit card or online banking.
We have interpreters available to offer you the interpreting services you have purchased. VRS minutes can be used as and when necessary during the month. Call prices may vary slightly depending on the package agreed for your service needs.
If you receive an ATW Grant, we will send you an invoice for the agreed Subscription service at the end of each month AND/OR and the number of minutes used during the month.
This will be attached to an ATW Support worker claim form which will be completed by us to confirm that we have made the services available, whether this is VRS or F2F or both.
Sign this form and post it on to ATW as soon as you receive it, or within 5 days.
This is important to ensure that InSignLanguage receives prompt payment and can therefore pay interpreters within their 30-day terms.
Payment on receipt of invoice or 30 days as agreed. If it is necessary to send a reminder, a surcharge will apply which will be the greater of £40 (in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Interest Act 1998, as amended (to incorporate the European Directive 2000/35/EC) by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002), or 15% of the total.
There is a minimum 20 minute charge for ATW clients.
Our interpreters are employed at an hourly rate and other operating costs dictate that any calls terminated before 4 minutes will be charged for 4 minutes.
This applies to Pay as you go and Subscription clients.
InSignLanguage will comply with all applicable laws, including without limitation, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Intellectual Property Rights.
Any complaint or dispute in connection with the VRS or Messaging Services must be notified by you, via email, to InSignLanguage Ltd no later than 1 month (30 days) from the day on which the Services were performed. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, the matter of may be referred to the Chair of the Standards Panel of the National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf and DeafBlind People (NRCPD).
If possible, such a referral should be made no later than 6 weeks from the date which the original complaint was made. If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably between the parties, or if either party refuses to accept the decision of the Standards Panel, the parties shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
Contact details: complaints@insignlanguage.co.uk
Access to work allocation is determined on a case by case basis. All payments are due 30 days net. Subscription service price Tiers are derailed and available on request.
Pay As You Go
Your credit or debit card details are stored by Stripe, the payments provider and you purchase your minutes in advance of using them. The App records the time on each call so that the number of minutes is accurately recorded.
We warrant that the Service will be carried out with reasonable skill and care by Interpreters whose qualifications and experience will be appropriate for the tasks to which they are allocated and will have been vetted by us.
Access to the Software for communication with the Interpreter at the Service Booking is provided using third party Internet and communication networks over which We have no control. We provide no warranties that the Software will be available, uninterrupted, error-free or of any type of quality during the call. We provide no warranties if the Interpreter Time Slot is cancelled, delayed, interrupted, extended or rescheduled due to Software failure.
The warranties stated in Clause 11.a above are the only warranties We provide, and we exclude all other conditions, warranties, representations or other terms that might otherwise be implied or incorporated into this Agreement by law, such as (but not limited to) those of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose or ability to achieve any particular result.
We shall not be liable for any actions taken based on the communication by the Interpreters during the call. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement seeks to limit or exclude Our mutual liability for (i) fraudulent misrepresentation, (ii) fraud or other criminal act, (iii) personal injury or death caused by the negligence of interpreters in connection with the performance of their duties hereunder or by defects in any Service supplied pursuant to this Agreement, or (iv) any other liability that cannot be excluded by law.
Our maximum aggregate liability to You for any cause whatsoever shall be for direct costs and damages only. Such liability will be limited to a sum equivalent to 125% of the Fees paid and payable by You to Us in respect of the Service that is the subject of Your claim.
InSignLanguage shall have no liability for any delay or failure in performance of its obligations to the Client where this arises from matters beyond its reasonable control.
As part of our aim to deliver a high-quality service, we have found it useful to record our communications and keep them for 6 months, to improve the usability of our offering. All recordings are subject to UK data protection law and are only used for internal product development.
Agreeing to our terms is consenting to record the VRS conversations with the purpose of help develop the service. All recordings are deleted after 6 months. The recordings will be proof of the conversation in the event of a dispute.
Our staff are available and willing to assist You. Their aim is to give You the best possible service and we must insist that they are treated with respect at all times. Any situations that arise with regard to rudeness, foul or abusive language will be subject to an internal investigation and suspension of services.
The company reserves the right to refuse and/or cease service to anyone who is found to be abusive to Our staff or people working with InSignLanguage.
Clauses 1, 10, 12, 16, 17 shall survive termination of the Agreement and continue in full force and effect after such termination.
If any provision of this Agreement is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the Parties agree that the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
You may not assign Your rights or obligations under this Agreement without Our prior written consent. A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this Agreement.
We can make reasonable changes to this agreement from time to time. All changes will be posted on our Website. Please check regularly for updates. If we change the terms and conditions of this agreement to your significant disadvantage (in our reasonable opinion) we’ll give you 30 days’ notice before the changes take place.
Each party hereby irrevocably agrees that the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes of whatever nature arising out of or relating to this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by English law.